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 Cook Islands National Environment Service

The Cook Islands Minamata Initial Assessment Report was developed under the project, “Development of Minamata Initial Assessment in the Pacific”. The project is an enabling activity for the ratification and/or implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury. 

The report consists of:

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

The National Environment Service worked closely with family representatives of the Takitumu Conservation Area, to submit an assessment application that will gave the TCA official international recognition as an Other Effective area-based Conservation Measure (OECM). 

All documents relevant to the submission process will be stored here, including resources on the TCA, which are referred to in the assessment form.

The TCA was launched as the Cook Islands' first OECM on International Biodiversity Day 2024 (22 May 2024)

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 Cook Islands National Environment Service

A team from Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research travelled to Rarotonga during July/August 2023 to carry out monitoring of biocontrols released in previous years. The team used drones to conduct monitoring surveillance for the invasive African Tulip tree species, using LiDAR and other imagery techniques.

This newsletter also provides an update on the control of the biocontrols.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

The workshop slides for the Rarotonga consultation workshop for the RESPONSE project hosted by NES & TIS on the 6th March 2024 at the Rarotongan Resort

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

From February - April 2024, the National Environment Service and Te Ipukarea Society conducted consultations with various stakeholders for the RESPONSE project. Documents from these consultations have been filed here. 

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Ministry of Agriculture's entomologist, Mr. Mike Bowie, has sought to raise awareness on various insect species in the Cook Islands, including their features, size, and recommendations on pest control for some of the species. Hence, the release of the Bug of the Week.

Credit for these resources: Mike Bowie, Cook Islands Ministry of Agriculture.

For more information, contact Ministry of Agriculture on +682 28711

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

The National Environment Service hosted two half day workshops on the 7th and 8th August 2024 at the Crown Beach Resort. The purpose of the workshop was to engage stakeholders to review the current CI National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, provide an overview of the alignment to the Global Diversity Framework goals and targets. The first workshop catered to Non-government Organisations and day two included Government Agencies.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

A collection of article stories published by New Zealand Department of Conservation on the rat eradication efforts in Palmerston.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Site locations of known Iniao (Pritchardia mitiarona) clusters on Mitiaro.


Aitutaki Wetlands 2017


Building Permits 2010

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Pacific environments require global commitments to sustainable consumption and production because waste and pollution produced elsewhere is transported into and impacts the Pacific region. This factsheet highlights briefly the consumption and production practices that affect Pacific environments and species directly and indirectly

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Fact Sheet - Pacific tourism depends on healthy marine ecosystems for aesthetic appeal and for the ecosystem services that support human occupation. This fact sheet links it to SDGs and brief background info on how the Pacific island countries face challenges in planning for sustainable development of infrastructure as well as sea and land uses related to tourism

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This “Reference Manual” is the No. 3 of the FAO Pacific Farm Management and Marketing Series. Its content is based on material developed for FAO funded technical cooperation projects in Vanuatu, Palau, Fiji and Papua New Guinea as well as material prepared by the Agriculture Management, Marketing and Finance Service (AGSF) at FAO Headquarters, Rome. It is designed to help trainers and advisors guide small farmers in their efforts to grow and market their agriculture so as to earn more cash from their labor, their land and their capital

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This study first presents the general knowledge on shark exploitation and vulnerability. Then, the status of coastal shark fisheries in the Pacific Islands is addressed from the angle of the data available for this region and on the basis of information collected through a questionnaire that was sent to the fisheries department of the Pacific countries. In the last part, prospects for management and regulation are discussed.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This document represents a synthesis of the expertise, knowledge and views of leading experts in marine protected area (MPA) network design and implementation. It is intended to be useful to countries and their various organizations in helping them build effective networks of MPAs. Not only does it provide a wealth of real-life examples from around the globe, it outlines the steps necessary to turn political ambitions into reality.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This paper provides information on degradable plastics and is intended to provide guidance on potential mechanisms for achieving reductions in plastic bag consumption. It is anticipated that this paper can be used in the Pacific region as a source of information, when trying to devise a strategy for dealing with plastic bags.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

A series of publication on the status of coral reefs of the world

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The Science of Marine Reserves Project is an international collaboration to study, synthesize, and share the scientific information about marine reserves and other types of marine protected areas around the world.