214 results

This paper examines the impact that a faster growth rate in visitor arrivals will have on three areas of
environmental concern on Rarotonga: solid waste, liquid waste and water. Sustainable solutions to prevent
effects on the environment are suggested and a timeline for achieving these estimated to show how
improvements to our infrastructure cannot happen overnight. The paper will then demonstrate why a growth
rate of 4% (the typical growth rate in tourist arrivals over the last 30 years) is more economically and

The primary focus of this policy is on the safe disposal of wastewater from dwelling units and
work places with a view to protecting, restoring and improving the state of the lagoons
around our islands. This process will be aided by the use of appropriate treatment systems
and disposal methods as required under the Public Health (Sewage) Regulations 2008. In
addition, consideration of best animal farming practices is critical to the implementation of
this policy, in light of their potential impact on water quality.

The findings of the study offer wider global lessons for the multiplicity of agencies engaged in housing reconstruction, disaster risk reduction and development.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

This report looks at renewable electricity in the Cook Islands, and it was published in April 2011 by the Government's Renewable Energy Development Division.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Atmosphere and Climate Physical Climate Cook Islands consists of data on local knowledge on climate variability, energy in Cook Islands and Review of mainstreaming of climate change into national plans and policies in Cook Islands

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Traditional Knowledge Act

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Cook Islands National Water Policy

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Development Projects for Cook Islands funded by ADB