11 results
 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Dataset that provides a direct link to Cook Island's data hosted on the GBIF website / records.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

direct internet link to data related to bird species of the Cook Islands on the BirdLife International portal

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Number of permits and consents approved from Jan - Mar 2018

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

These instructional videos walk users through the portal and how to conduct key activities on it.

Number of Permits and Consents issued by NES within Jan - Mar 2018 by Vaka. Includes building permits, consents and permits for EIAs

YouTube video on how to upload a dataset for logged-in users

direct link to Cook Island's data on the GBIF website

direct link to all species occurrences in Cook Islands on the GBIF records

Bird data recorded on the BirdLife International Portal

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The Strandings of Oceania database is a collaborative project between SPREP, WildMe and the South Pacific Whale Research Consortium to record stranding and beachcast data for whales, dolphins and dugongs throughout the Pacific. We use a platform called Flukebook. An account is needed to view or use data within Flukebook but the data is available for download here. You can submit data direct into Flukebook (preferably while logged in) or send a completed data form to SPREP for upload. Guidance on using the database is available :