A global review of species-specific shark-fin-to-body-mass ratios and relevant legislation 2012
This zip-file contains the setup file to install QGIS software version 3.4, for a 32 bit system.
This zip-file contains the setup file to install QGIS software version 3.4, for a 64 bit system.
Zip file contains a video explaining how to add a dataset for logged-in users
Data on climate change, disaster risk and risk management in the Pacific.
Forest area for pacific island countries
Growth and Survival of the Giant Clams
Review of Regional E-Waste Recycling
This publication presents information on coastal and offshore fisheries in the region. The information is broken down into resource categories, the major types of fishing, the important species, the status of those resources, and the fisheries management that occurs.
Pacific Regional Solid Waste Management Strategy 2010 – 2015
Current State of Knowledge of Cetacean Threats, Diversity and Habitats in the Pacific Islands Region
Current State of Knowledge of Cetacean Threats, Diversity and Habitats in the Pacific Islands Region
Green Turtle Nesting Sites and Sea Turtle Legislation throughout Oceania
Sea Turtles As a Flagship Species: Different Perspectives Create Conflicts in the Pacific Islands
UNEP Regional Seas Ports and Studies No. 136.
SPREP Reports and Studies No. 49.
UNEP 1991
Status of the Coral Reefs in the Pacific and Outlook. Reports by the Global Coral Reef Network in collaboration with UNEP, IUCN and other agencies