1399 results

Imported substances CFCs, HCFCs, HBFCs, halons, methyl chloroform, carbon, tetrachloride, bromochloromethane, or methyl bromide in metric tonnes from Jan to Dec 2012

Details the legislations and actions in place regarding the ban or importation of specific ODS chemicals

Food and live animals imported and exported 2005-2013

Food and live animals imported and exported 2005-2013

2011 Census of Population and Dwellings Cook Islands


is country report is prepared as a contribution to the FAO publication, The Report on the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources. The content and the structure are in accordance with the recommendations and guidelines given by FAO in the document Guidelines for Preparation of Country Reports for the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources (2010). These guidelines set out recommendations for the objective, scope and structure of the country reports.

Forest Area 2014 or older

Forest Area 2011 or older

FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 COUNTRY REPORT

Cook Island’s National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2020 DRAFT 2016

RAROTONGA Cloud Forest Ecosystems Synthesis Report, Key Findings and Recommendations 2015